Why You Don’t Have a Right to Healthcare




I.  What is a Right?

Healthcare in America is not a right and cannot be a right so long as we live in a country that still recognizes the United States Constitution as the law of the land.  Our rights are embedded in Natural Law.  They do not come from a king, they do not come from the President or any other politician, they do not come from Congress, nor do they come from the government as a whole or from some special group of policy makers within the government.  They do not even come from the Constitution itself.  Our rights emanate from the fundamental nature of our humanity or, if you will, from God.  As individuals, we are born with them.  The Constitution is the document under which our rights are protected.  Protected from what or whom? Why, from the government of course.  Or more to the point, the government’s inherent desire for ever more encroaching power and control over our lives.

Because our rights derive from our own individual humanity, healthcare, whether provided by the government or somebody else, cannot, by definition, be a human right.  And why is this?  Because if it were a right, we would be able to require of another person that he or she provide it to us, which would then infringe on that person’s rights.  In other words, if a so-called right requires someone else to do something for you or give something to you (i.e., guaranteed care whenever you are sick) then it is not a right.  So if healthcare is not a right, what is it?  It is a good.  A good is something we want or need, as opposed to something we naturally possess from birth.  So healthcare is no more a right than is food, clothing, housing, high-speed Internet access, or a double mocha latte from Starbucks. 

What are some examples of rights?  We have a right to life, to speech, to worship, to travel, to due process (or fairness); we also have the right to be left alone.  These basic rights and others are to be found among the first ten amendments to the Constitution, otherwise known as the Bill of Rights.  But when you think about it, they are not really rights at all. There is nothing there that is being given to Americans that they do not already naturally possess.  They are more like prohibitions – prohibitions placed upon the government; things that the government shall not do to infringe upon the rights of the individual.  “Congress shall make no law…” this right “shall not be infringed…” this other right “shall not be violated,” the Bill of Rights is replete with such language.  So if we already possess these rights, why were they even added to the Constitution?  Because the people were, understandably, suspicious of government and in fact feared a government that would not only fail to secure their rights but actually, in the words of the Declaration of Independence, become “destructive of these ends.” 



II. The Progressive View 

Of course none of this squares at all with what Progressive politicians are saying.  Those great liberal luminaries, Dennis Kucinich, Tom Harkin, Nancy Pelosi and even Barrack Obama, have all argued that healthcare either is or should be a right in this country.  If they think it is already a right, then they either are unable or unwilling to comprehend the above analysis.  On the other hand, believing it should be a right is even more troubling because that implies that they —the officials of the government — actually think they have the power to grant it as a right.  Well, they who have the power to give, also have the power to take away.

But all this begs the question, why are these deep-thinking Progressives so hot to make only healthcare a right?  What about food? What good is it being healthy if you don’t have anything to eat?  What about housing? You need a place to sleep don’t you? What about a job?  How about a car to get to the job?  How about a place to rest when you go on vacation from your job?  Sound good?

Well, believe it or not, these things can all be yours.  Just one little catch: you have to leave the country.  Yes, the governments of other fine nations, both existing and defunct, have provided in their constitutions for all of the above, including healthcare.  Regarding the healthcare “right,” here is just a brief sampling: 

Article 42.  Citizens … have the right to health protection.This right is ensured by free, qualified medical care provided by state health institutions; by extension of the network of therapeutic and health-building institutions; by the development and improvement of safety and hygiene in industry; by carrying out broad prophylactic measures; by measures to improve the environment; by special care for the health of the rising generation, including prohibition of child labor, excluding the work done by children as part of the school curriculum; and by developing research to prevent and reduce the incidence of disease and ensure citizens a long and active life.

This comes from the U.S.S.R.’s Constitution of Fundamental Rights, as amended in 1977.

Here is the right to healthcare from the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (as adopted in 1982): 

Article 45. Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have the right to material assistance from the state and society when they are old, ill or disabled. The state develops the social insurance, social relief and medical and health services that are required to enable citizens to enjoy this right. The state and society ensure the livelihood of disabled members of the armed forces, provide pensions to the families of martyrs and give preferential treatment to the families of military personnel. The state and society help make arrangements for the work, livelihood and education of the blind, deaf-mute and other handicapped citizens

And to satisfy the Michael Moore crowd, the Cuban Constitution (as amended in 2002) also gives everyone the right to healthcare:

Article 50: Everyone has the right to health protection and care. The state guarantees this right; by providing free medical and hospital care by means of the installations of the rural medical service network, polyclinics, hospitals, preventative and specialized treatment centers; by providing free dental care; by promoting the health publicity campaigns, health education, regular medical examinations, general vaccinations and other measures to prevent the outbreak of disease. All the population cooperates in these activities and plans through the social and mass organizations.

Finally, there’s this one:

… Healthcare is a basic right … to be provided through a not-for-profit plan.  We … include coverage for those excluded… We … free the states. We … have control over private insurance companies and the cost their very existence imposes on [our] families.  We … provide a significant place for alternative and complementary medicine, religious health science practice, and the personal responsibility aspects of health care which include diet, nutrition, and exercise.

Actually, those are the words of Congressman Dennis Kucinich in a speech he gave just last Wednesday regarding his plans to vote on the upcoming bill for government managed healthcare in this country.  Sound familiar?




III. America the Exceptional

I often get this from liberals: “Most of the industrialized world thinks that healthcare is a human right, why not the United States?” Well most of the world, industrialized or not, thinks a lot of things that are decidedly un-American, including the government’s power to bestow healthcare (and other things) as a right.  One has to ask, how did America get to be America?  By becoming like the rest of the world?  By giving things away for free? Heck no!  What makes us still today the shining beacon to the rest of the world is that we are different from the rest of the world.  We are exceptional.  And what allows us to be exceptional is the recognition that our rights and liberties are intrinsic to the individual and not derived from government.  Where over the course of human history through to this day, governments of other nations have handed down rights to the peoples they’ve governed and have, in the name of those very rights, meddled, restrained and enslaved, in America the individual rights and liberties of our people have freed us to create, innovate, invest, build, grow and pursue success and happiness in every conceivable way, including giving it all away if that is an individual’s choice.

So really the question is not so much whether healthcare is or is not a right, because in America it is not.  Rather the question is what kind of country we want to be. 

For more on the healthcare debate, link to:



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44 Responses to “Why You Don’t Have a Right to Healthcare”

  1. Brandon Says:

    Great article

    • j333bass Says:

      Brandon, are you an Ignorant Conservative?

      If so, you can shed layers of ignorance and become enlightened. Look to Fact & Evidence.


      Open letter to Ignorant Conservatives

      March 20, 2010

      Hey I.C.,

      Ready for a lesson on “Rights”?

      We, the People, make this country what it is. We decide who represents us and we decide which rights we give ourselves by the bills that become law.

      The United States Constitution is a living, breathing document; it was amended almost immediately with the first 10 amendments.

      * The first 10 Amendments is called…come on I.C., you know this!

      The Bill of Rights that We, the People, demanded be included in the U.S. Constitution include Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion and Freedom to Bear Arms. All of those rights, included in the Bill of Rights, are rights of all Americans…that Americans demanded for themselves.

      Later in our country’s history, we made slavery illegal with the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. The right to personal freedoms no matter race, color or creed! And we still had to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Read that again, if you need to…Civil Rights Act of 1964.

      In the early 20th century, the 19th amendment to the United States Constitution gave women in this country the right to vote. The right to vote for both sexes!

      * Do you see that the United States Constitution is a living breathing document?

      * We, the People, have the right to Universal Health Care.

      * We, the People, vote our representatives into office, to protect our rights under the law.

      * The Democrats are working for the benefit of the majority of Americans.

      * We do not need a defense budget bigger than the rest of the world’s combined. We can shift that military spending (supporting Death abroad) to fund health care for citizens of the United States (supporting Life at home).

      I have a friend who looks like Jesus Christ. Not the long hair and the beard bit. But he looks like him, all right. You gotta look into his eyes to see it. My friend is as self-sacrificing and humble as Jesus Christ. I’m not religious, but I do believe in God. “Why would I deny the divinity of Jesus Christ? I’ve never denied it of anyone else.” My friend passed along that thought. He likes fixing things, just like the Bible figure. My friend works on computers, he’s not a carpenter, but he would definitely save an adulterer (or a blasphemer) from a public stoning. My friend is also not interested in wealth for the sake of having wealth, as was the self-sacrificing and humble Jesus Christ.

      Jesus Christ has nothing to do with war. Jesus Christ has nothing to do with football.

      However, when it concerns Universal Health Care in the United States, ask yourselves…What Would My Friend Do?

      Yeah, he’s in favor of Universal Health Care because it benefits the majority of people in this country.

      Wake up from your delusion, I.C. We have rights in the United States of America, because our laws, written by representatives voted into power by We, the People, say so.

      The 300 million people in America deserve Universal Health Care. The insurance companies have rigged the system to deny people coverage even when they have paid their insurance. The insurance companies have exploited the health care industry to deny health care to the people of America. We, the People, voted in Barack Obama to give us our rights back.

      President Obama and the Democratic-majority Congress are working for the benefit of the majority of Americans!

      You will benefit, too, I.C. Stop telling people to leave this country, if they don’t like your ideas. That is wrong of you. We are all Americans by birth. This is our home. We, the, People…of which you and I are a part…this is our country.

      Sincerely, your fellow American,

      Justin Bass

  2. Jim Hagen Says:

    I think you are right. I also think that a lot of talk about health care being a ‘right’ is political rhetoric. But that doesn’t mitigate the fact that it would be better if we spent our money on taking care of sick people rather than going to Mars or blowing up other people.

  3. j333bass Says:

    Hey C.C.,

    Ready for a lesson on “Rights”?

    We, the People, make this country what it is. We decide who represents us and we decide which rights we give ourselves by the bills that become law.

    The United States Constitution is a living, breathing document; it was amended almost immediately with the first 10 amendments.

    * The first 10 Amendments is called…come on C.C., you know this!

    The Bill of Rights that We, the People, demanded be included in the U.S. Constitution include Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion and Freedom to Bear Arms. All of those rights, included in the Bill of Rights, are rights of all Americans…that Americans demanded for themselves.

    Later in our country’s history, we made slavery illegal with the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. The right to personal freedoms no matter race, color or creed! And we still had to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Read that again, if you need to…Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    In the early 20th century, the 19th amendment to the United States Constitution gave women in this country the right to vote. The right to vote for both sexes!

    * Do you see that the United States Constitution is a living breathing document?

    * We, the People, have the right to Universal Health Care.

    * We, the People, vote our representatives into office, to protect our rights under the law.

    * The Democrats are working for the benefit of the majority of Americans.

    * We do not need a defense budget bigger than the rest of the world’s combined. We can shift that military spending (supporting Death abroad) to fund health care for citizens of the United States (supporting Life at home).

    I have a friend who looks like Jesus Christ. Not the long hair and the beard bit. But he looks like him, all right. You gotta look into his eyes to see it. My friend is as self-sacrificing and humble as Jesus Christ. I’m not religious, but I do believe in God. “Why would I deny the divinity of Jesus Christ? I’ve never denied it of anyone else.” My friend passed along that thought. He likes fixing things, just like the Bible figure. My friend works on computers, he’s not a carpenter, but he would definitely save an adulterer (or a blasphemer) from a public stoning. My friend is also not interested in wealth for the sake of having wealth, as was the self-sacrificing and humble Jesus Christ.

    Jesus Christ has nothing to do with war. Jesus Christ has nothing to do with football.

    However, when it concerns Universal Health Care in the United States, ask yourselves…What Would My Friend Do?

    Yeah, he’s in favor of Universal Health Care because it benefits the majority of people in this country.

    Wake up from your delusion, C.C. We have rights in the United States of America, because our laws, written by representatives voted into power by We, the People, say so.

    The 300 million people in America deserve Universal Health Care. The insurance companies have rigged the system to deny people coverage even when they have paid their insurance. The insurance companies have exploited the health care industry to deny health care to the people of America. We, the People, voted in Barack Obama to give us our rights back.

    President Obama and the Democratic-majority Congress are working for the benefit of the majority of Americans!

    You will benefit, too, C.C. Stop telling people to leave this country, if they don’t like your ideas. That is wrong of you. We are all Americans by birth. This is our home. We, the, People…of which you and I are a part.

    Sincerely, your fellow American,

    Justin Bass

  4. Justin Bass Says:


    The sun is shining! It is a beautiful day. : )

    It is so important to shed a light on your ignorance, that I stopped to write a quick reply.

    Let’s keep talking “with” each other based on fact & evidence. Your brand of blogging, unfortunately, is based on conjecture and exaggeration. Your blog serves to confuse rather than to clarify the truth of the matter.

    Instead of rational thought you use demagoguery.


    a person, esp. an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.

    Demagoguery is not good for our country, or for any country. Emotional biases are the opposite of reason & sense. And when you are not speaking with reason & sense, you are being irrational and talking non-sense.

    See the sun in the sky. We could power our homes, offices and cars with that nuclear reactor in the sky. We don’t need more nuclear reactors on earth that produce radioactive byproduct that needs to be stored in the Yucca Mountains of Nevada. That radioactive material can seep into our ground water and cause health problems to those who ingest it.

    If we had a solar-electric system on every roof and a plug-in electric car in every garage (reference: Tesla), then we would be on our way to stabilizing our country’s energy costs, establishing energy independence, helping our national security and improving our environment.

    The sun is a reliable, renewable, readily available source of CO2-free energy. Sit out in the sun for 2 hours and you will feel the energy radiating off that big, burning ball of fire.

    Do you see the light, C.C.?

    Enjoy your weekend, and open up your mind,

    Your fellow American,

    Justin Bass

    • culturecrusader Says:

      A computer and a dictionary? Tsk, tsk Justin! You really do need to get a life. But I guess that’s just the liberal way. Come over to the conservative side – we’re much more fun over here. And I’ll let you in on a little secret: our women shave their legs!

      • Dave Denoy Says:

        Once again, CC, you fail to respond to idea and fact but instead make inane comments about sunshine and shaven legs. WTF?!!??

        Justin – thank you for the great, detailed response. Don’t count on enlightenment reaching CC or any of his ilk any time soon. It’s a one-sided dialogue. Compelling arguments on our side – rhetoric and talking points on theirs.

        Let’s not play cheap semantic games with the word “rights”. It may not have been included in Declaration or Constitution which are based on “natural law” or Natural rights. Let us instead consider a human right and the expression of American compassion for the lesser among us or for those who suffer temporary setbacks.

        Shame on everyone on the right for such fear tactics and blatant lies such as we’ve seen in this process.

        The Republicans had House and Senate majorities from1994-2004 to pass legislation to reform health care but they chose not to. Now, after a year of discussion and debate, the Republicans, who have done everything they could to thwart the dialogue, now want to start over and NOW they want want to approach this in a bipartisan manner and get healthcare right. What a crock! They’re only trying to stall for time so that they can turn around and use the lack of passage of promised legislation against the Dems in the elections. It’s so blatant as to defy belief.

        The GOP used to stand for Grand Old Party. Now it stands for Grandstand, Oppose and Prevent. They don’t care about the people in this country nor America itself. It’s all about power, not governance. They used all of these Parliamentarian processes many times in the past 20 years but to hear them now, the Dems made up all these tactics. The right has lost all claim to moral high ground. I despise their arrogance and disregard for the American Constitution and the American people.

      • culturecrusader Says:

        Has anyone ever told you that you can be quite de-noying? I will address the “substance” of your and the other genius’s comments in due course. Now I’m going to bed.

  5. Fortune Favors the Brave « Culture Crusader Says:

    […] Crusader The Culture War is On! « Gem of the Week: Sean Penn Unplugged Why You Don’t Have a Right to Healthcare […]

  6. America, R.I.P. « Culture Crusader Says:

    […] Culture Crusader The Culture War is On! « Why You Don’t Have a Right to Healthcare […]

  7. Dave Denoy Says:

    What you’ve left out of your wrongheaded, deeply flawed and inaccurate description of which nations enjoy the basic rights of universal healthcare is the fact that all the democratic western countries have universal healthcare for their people. According to your world view, they’re all socialist/communist countries. I’m betting the citizen’s of those countries would take exception to this. The right is intellectually and morally bankrupt and not worth my time other than to defend my country against the authoritarian totalitarians conservatives have become. Sure you have more fun on your side. You’re all about self-interest and individual gain. Progressives, on the other hand, are concerned about everyone.

  8. Healthcare(less) « Says:

    […] The justification for this law has nothing to do with the true American tradition. “Health care is a right, not a privilege,” Pelosi has said on numerous occasions. If so, what is to stop the likes of Obama and Pelosi from claiming any policy proposal is a new American right? The answer: absolutely nothing. Here’s a startling fact: The Constitution’s of the USSR, Peoples Republic of China and Cuba all state that health care is a human right, not a privilege. Is that really the direction we want to push our nation? Sorry, but I find it hard to see the true American tradition in that. For a great article on why health care isn’t a right, check out this link. […]

  9. culturecrusader Says:

    Update: Fidel Castro applauds Obamacare – Oh what a surprise!


  10. Castro Applauds Obamacare: Oh Gee, What a Surprise! « Culture Crusader Says:

    […] https://culturecrusader.wordpress.com/2010/03/20/why-you-don%e2%80%99t-have-a-right-to-healthcare/  […]

  11. Shweta Says:

    Gahh! This is why I just don’t even start up with conservatives. It’s neverending. You focused too much on Obama playing god. K. I’m going to just skip that, it’s irrelevant. Healthcare is a universal right, anyone who thinks differently is selfish, what is wrong with extending healthcare to 32 million people who didn’t have it. I think it’s a wonderful step in the right direction, what is wrong with being that kind of a country?

    • culturecrusader Says:

      What’s wrong with giving everyone in the country free food? How about free housing? Surely those things are more important than healthcare right? Are food and housing universal rights as well?

      • Shweta Says:

        That stuff is…nonsense to give. To an extent some of this offered, obviously some people abuse the system and ruin it for people who NEED help, I dislike welfare, I will criticize Obama with trying to extend Welfare…It’s not a very motivating system.

        I wrote what I thought about Healthcare already.

    • culturecrusader Says:

      Well, just what do you mean, nonsense? Ask a person who is starving whther they want free food or free healthcare and what do you think they are going to say? Ask a homeless woman whether she wants free healthcare or a roof over her head. You call that nonsense? Sounds like you’re being selfish to me. The point is, who decides what are rights and what are not? Obama? Nancy Pelosi? The Congress? Ask yourself, where do our rights come from and how are they defined? And you will see that universal healthcare, while it may be many things, is definitely not a right, at least not in this country.

      PS. You dislike welfare? What do you think this whole healthcare thing is but an elaborate form of wealth redistribution or, in other words, welfare. What were Obama’s words? “We’ve got to spread the wealth around?”

      • Shweta Says:

        I dislike the EXTENTION on it. I understand why he wants the extention…I just think it’s excessive. Healthcare…universal right.

        Obviously if you asked a starving woman if she wanted food she’d say yes. It’s nonsense, because there is already ways to get acquire food if you are in such a disposition. I don’t know how much more you can truly help people who are starving. It’s a nice thing, it is, welfare is a nice thing, it is, welfare can not extend how long you are allowed to collect, because then who is going to look for a job if you receive half your old income for sitting at home, and now longer?

        Healthcare is not the same as welfare, it’s better compared to something like car insurance, it’s just how it is. READ MY POST ON HEALTHCARE. Nothing will make me think it’s a bad move for the country.

        And just because I don’t want to post again, I think if you aren’t in a constant state of changing…you stand to improve on what might be faulty. You’re rant on healthcare not being constitutional is wrong, it was made to acclimate to change, because…times change.

      • culturecrusader Says:

        Helping the sick, feeding the starving, sheltering the homeless… these are all “nice” things, wonderful things, and I applaud anyone who advocates doing them. But they come under the province of compassion and charity. When the Government requires that they are done, they are neither compassion nor charity. And they certainly are not “rights.” Let’s say the Government one day does in fact decide that feeding people is a “right.” Just as they determined healthcare is. Can the Government require me to feed you? Can the Government make me grow crops, raise cattle, etc. to feed the rest of the country? What about housing? Can the Government require people to build houses for others and have it paid for with your and my tax money and then call it a “right?” I think you need to go deeper than simply saying it’s like car insurance, which, by the way, is not a right either, but a law that goes along with the privilege of owning and driving a dangerous thing like a car.

        PS. Btw, I take exception to the word “rant” when describing one of my posts.

      • Shweta Says:

        EBT cards. Stuff like that is what I mean when I refer to how starving people are helped.

  12. Shweta Says:

    To some extent we both have radical opinions of each other. This isn’t to be mocking, I’m just wondering what you must think of someone with my beliefs.

    I think you are probably, eh someone who ‘lost their faith’ in college long enough for you to to through a legalize pot phase…then you got a job, got money, and thought,”K..I understand republicans now.’ And you do know what you are talking about…I just don’t know a
    WHY you are for it. You go to church every Sunday, and you have. General disdain for people less fortunate than yourself, anything opposing Christianity(ie Muslims, Agnostics, Jews, Ann Coultery targets) You actually probably don’t hate some of the stuff Obama is doing, but the fact he’s getting stuff done…and is a liberal pisses you off to no end. You don’t believe in Bipartisanship, you believe in it when Republicans are in power.

    How’d I do? Sorry if it came off as an attack. I actually do enjoy opposing views when they are backed with some solidity.

    • culturecrusader Says:

      You are way off the mark on just about everything except the Obama is “getting stuff done” part. I would rather nothing he wants gets done and that we get him, Nancy Pelosi (whom I really hate!) and the rest of the liberal-progressive gang out of office as quickly as possible.

  13. Shweta Says:

    http://spazztasticallyuntitled.wordpress.com/?s=bipartisanship&searchbutton=Go! <—-My opinion on Bipartisanship

    http://spazztasticallyuntitled.wordpress.com/2010/03/27/dear-god/<—-My opinion on Republicans of the Obama Era.

    http://spazztasticallyuntitled.wordpress.com/2010/03/23/im-bleeding/#comments <—-Health care

    you will see someone beat me to punch with a back and forth bickerfest…

    This is all I have written up about politics, your entire blog is politics. Like…I said, I'm not a very political/religiously active person. My posts are severely shorter than yours, but the point is there. If you can get past some of the obscure imagery I toss in you might enjoy yourself.

    • culturecrusader Says:

      Thank you, I will take a look!
      My blog isn’t really about politics exclusively, though lately I’ve trended that way. It is really about culture. Of course politics, economics, religion, art, entertainment, history all play a part in and inform the culture. but my thoughts here are meant to be about the culture of this country as a whole — hence, Culture Crusader. I believe we are a divided nation, not just politically but culturally. It is, in a way, a war. Not a war of guns and bullets but of ideas and words. Like any war, there are those of us on the frontlilnes as well as the generals up top. There are battles lost and won. There are victors and vanquished. There are casualties. And, one day, there will be an outcome.
      I get the sense that, while you talk a good liberal game, you’re heart isn’t really all that in it. Which is a good thing. It means you’re thinking, open to new ideas, and are, perhaps, willing to be persuaded even though you say you aren’t.
      I was much older than you are now when I began to see the light. I think that for you, there is still hope! 🙂

      • Shweta Says:

        My heart isn’t into it, because politics…it’s infuriatingly stupid…however not meaningless, and that’s why I take a stance. We are a divided nation, in many ways…people get to scared to just ask a question, and that just makes things weirder. Haha, how old are you? I kind of felt you out for 32. It just seems like a right age. Maybe my binary intuitions are just lacking though.

      • culturecrusader Says:

        I’m older than that. That’s all I’m going to say. 🙂

  14. Shweta Says:


    It didn’t link right the first time…

  15. Shweta Says:

    Trusttt me, you will never feed me. They can not. They do not require that. Low income housing…is kind of like shelter? And laws that mandate the purchase of insurance are good for everyone. Kind of like Homeowners insurance protects both the owners and the lender that financed the purchase of the home from unforeseen and natural disasters, that way the owner won’t have to default on the loan in the event they lose the entire home. Vehicle insurance protect drivers in the case of an accident from liabilities. And health coverage for millions more people will keep people from going to the emergency room of a hospital for non-emergencies or when they can’t afford it to begin with. That way, the ER will once again be just for emergencies, and the government won’t have to foot the bill for people without health insurance. Instead, they’ll be able to visit their doctor instead. I just copy/pasted a response when someone else said that.

    I take back saying…rant. It was condescending. I smirked a little when I typed it, I sort of knew it was a burn. I’m kinda fucking with you sometimes, I really don’t care. Much for anything when it comes right down to it. I’m what you’d call a troll.

  16. Shweta Says:


  17. This Universal Healthcare Thing is a Big F*ing Deal! « Culture Crusader Says:

    […] Fn. 1: In case you don’t, I expand on why this law is an affront to the U.S. Constitution in several prior posts. To read, start by clicking here:  https://culturecrusader.wordpress.com/2010/03/20/why-you-don%e2%80%99t-have-a-right-to-healthcare/ […]

  18. Gem of the Week: The Right to Disneyworld! « Culture Crusader Says:

    […] https://culturecrusader.wordpress.com/2010/03/20/why-you-don%e2%80%99t-have-a-right-to-healthcare/ […]

  19. Coming Undone? « Culture Crusader Says:

    […] https://culturecrusader.wordpress.com/2010/03/20/why-you-don%e2%80%99t-have-a-right-to-healthcare/ […]

  20. To Be American « Culture Crusader Says:

    […] https://culturecrusader.wordpress.com/2010/03/20/why-you-don%e2%80%99t-have-a-right-to-healthcare/ […]

  21. Tweets that mention Why You Don’t Have a Right to Healthcare « Culture Crusader -- Topsy.com Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Elbert, Elbert. Elbert said: Why they don't have a right to healthcare: https://culturecrusader.wordpress.com/2010/03/20/why-you-don%e2%80%99t-have-a-right-to-healthcare/ […]

  22. Decision Time « Culture Crusader Says:

    […] https://culturecrusader.wordpress.com/2010/03/20/why-you-don%e2%80%99t-have-a-right-to-healthcare/ […]

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